Of course, I'd be happy to help! Major arcana cards hold significant and overarching energies, so when they show up in your daily readings, they tend to carry more profound messages that can have a lasting impact on your day. Instead of focusing on the specific events of the day, major arcana cards often touch on broader life themes, personal growth, and spiritual insights.
For example, if you draw The Fool in your daily reading, it might suggest embracing new beginnings and taking risks. The High Priestess could indicate a day of intuition and inner reflection, while The Emperor might encourage you to take charge of situations and be a leader.
It's important to consider the card's symbolism, its traditional meanings, and how it resonates with your current circumstances. Don't worry about memorizing all the interpretations right away – trust your intuition and let the card's energy guide you. Reflect on how the card's themes might play out in your day and how you can align your actions with its messages.
Remember, major arcana cards in daily readings can offer valuable insights into your personal journey and highlight key areas where you can focus your attention for growth. Over time, as you become more familiar with the major arcana's meanings and energies, you'll find that these cards provide deep insights and guidance on your path.