Horary astrology is a type of divination that uses the astrology chart to answer questions. It is based on the symbolic language of astrology and the energy of particular planets.
The traditional terms used in horary astrology are as follows:
• Chart ruler: Refers to the planet that rules the chart.
• Ascending sign: Refers to the sign that is rising on the eastern horizon at the time of the chart.
• Descending sign: Refers to the sign that is setting on the western horizon at the time of the chart.
• Lot of Fortune: Refers to a hypothetical planet that represents the total luck of the querent.
• Almuten: Refers to the planet that is considered to have the most power in the chart.
• Part of Fortune: Refers to a hypothetical point in the chart that symbolizes the accumulation of luck and benefit in a person's life.
• Horary Houses: Refers to any of the twelve houses in horary astrology, which have different meanings related to the query being asked.
I hope this answers your question!