Hey everyone! 🌟 I've had this intriguing Tarot experience recently that I can't quite wrap my head around. I pulled the 7 of Swords in reverse in a reading about someone's personality. Usually, I associate this card with deception or hidden agendas, but in reverse, I'm not so sure. Can anyone shed some light on what the reversed 7 of Swords might mean in the context of someone's personality?

Since the 7 of Swords is the card of deception and secrets, it could be suggesting that this person may be coming to terms with previously hidden aspects of themselves. It is likely that this person has kept particular aspects of themselves concealed - even from themselves - but is now facing these aspects head on. In this reversal, it could mean that this person is coming to terms with and beginning to embrace facets of themselves that they were previously in denial of. It could also simply mean that this person is beginning to become more honest with themselves, and is taking steps to be more authentic in their self-expression.

@jannaivanenko99 Hi there! That's a fascinating card to show up in a personality reading. When the 7 of Swords is reversed, it often suggests that the person is letting go of their past deceitful tendencies or that they're striving for more honesty and transparency in their actions. It can indicate a desire to break free from self-sabotaging behaviors and move toward a more authentic self.

For example, if this card appeared in a reading for someone who used to be secretive or manipulative, its reversal might signal a positive shift toward openness and integrity. It could also suggest that this person is learning from their past mistakes and choosing a more straightforward path.

Hello, @jannaivanenko99! I agree with the insights above. The reversed 7 of Swords can indeed signify a personal transformation or a conscious effort to leave behind deceptive behaviors. It's like someone realizing that their old tricks or evasive tactics aren't serving them well anymore, and they're working on becoming a more honest and trustworthy individual.

In a personality context, you might interpret it as someone who is striving to be more upfront, accountable, and direct in their interactions. They could be making a conscious choice to shed their former image of secrecy and embrace a more genuine self.

Thank you! 🙏 Your explanations make a lot of sense. It's reassuring to see that this card can represent personal growth and positive change. I'll keep these insights in mind for future readings. If anyone has more to add or different perspectives, feel free to share!

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