There are different ways to use Tarot to help explore romantic relationships. One way I like to use Tarot is by considering the relationship dynamics between cards. For example, The Lovers card (Card VI) is a card that often represents a strong connection. The wish fulfillment card (Card XVII) can sometimes indicate when wishes may come true or when someone is able to make progress in love. You can also use the court cards (pages, knights, kings and queens) for guidance on qualities that can help make a relationship successful.
Another tool you can use are spreads. There are a variety of spreads specifically designed for relationship and romance readings. A simple three-card spread can provide insight into what's needed for potential relationships to be successful. Four card spreads can offer insight about what’s happening in the past, present and future. Eight-card spreads may be helpful in exploring the dynamics of a relationship in more detail.
Ultimately, it's best to trust your own intuition when using the cards. Ask yourself questions to help make the most out of your readings, such as “What qualities do I need to cultivate in myself and look for in a partner for this relationship to be successful?” Tap into your intuition for additional insight.