I'm curious about your thoughts on the 7 of Swords representing someone's feelings, especially in the context of person A's feelings for person B using the Rider-Waite deck. It seems to frequently appear in your readings about this specific person. While traditionally associated with deception, dishonesty, and sneakiness, it's interesting to explore how it translates into emotions. Could it suggest that person A isn't being entirely honest about their feelings or that there's a sense of guilt? I'd love to hear your insights or any other possible interpretations you might have.🤔

    It can symbolize avoidance. In the Rider-Waite-Smith RWS deck, the figure is seen taking five swords resolving conflict and leaving behind two swords suggesting a truce or stalemate. Have you ever experienced the need to steer clear of someone to avoid an argument? The card might reflect a sentiment of not wanting to engage or deal with potential conflict at the moment, choosing instead to postpone it for another time. "I don't feel like dealing with you right now, so I'll avoid it."

    DanielH Indicating Concealment 🕵️‍♂️

    The 7 of Swords often conveys more about actions than feelings. It consistently represents concealment, elusiveness, and cunning—a situation where someone may be attempting to deceive or manipulate. It suggests a desire to obscure the truth and create a situation where details are hidden or distorted.

      Got it! It does seem like the person in question might be feeling a sense of accomplishment or smugness about their actions, especially if they involve deception. The two swords left behind could indeed hint at a truce or avoidance of a certain issue, as you've observed in your conversations with this person. It's fascinating how these interpretations align with the dynamics you've experienced. 😊

      Ever been in a relationship where you felt like you were walking on eggshells—sneaking around, treading lightly to avoid triggering emotional explosions? It's like pussyfooting on tiptoe, navigating carefully. The card may signify this delicate relationship dynamic. I also refer to it as "Halfbaked plans," suggesting unclear thinking. Maybe this person hasn't thoroughly considered their feelings, acting impulsively or without much foresight. Just some ideas there. 🤔

      This card often appears when I need to engage my mind to solve a problem or come up with a clever solution. In the context of feelings, it could suggest that he has conflicting emotions and is actively working to reconcile them. 🤔

      It's intriguing to consider the 7 of Swords representing someone's feelings, particularly in the context of person A's feelings for person B using the Rider-Waite deck. Despite its traditional association with deception and sneakiness, in an emotional context, it could indicate that person A isn't entirely honest about their feelings or may be carrying a sense of guilt. The recurring appearance of this card might suggest hidden complexities or a need for transparency in understanding person A's emotions toward person B.

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