The Justice card in Tarot often indicates a need for fairness, balance, and accountability in a situation. In the context of your question about whether to give X your phone number, the Justice card could suggest that it's essential to weigh the decision carefully and consider the potential consequences.
This card might be advising you to assess whether giving your phone number aligns with your principles and values. It encourages you to think about whether initiating direct communication with X would lead to a fair and balanced outcome for both parties involved.
Additionally, Justice is also associated with making decisions based on logic and reason rather than emotions alone. Therefore, it could be indicating that you should approach this decision rationally, considering both the positives and potential drawbacks of sharing your phone number with X.
Overall, the Justice card is urging you to make a decision that aligns with integrity, fairness, and accountability, considering the potential impact it may have on both yourself and the other person involved. Trust your instincts and consider all factors before taking action.