I just asked tarot if I will get a job I went for and with a specific salary. Temparence, ace of wands, 6 of pentacles and 9 of cups

I pulled Temperance, ace of wands, 6 of pentacles and 9 of cups.

Im trying to stay balanced as ive read this as super positive, but I also cant take the job if I dont get the salary I asked for. What are your thoughts on this outcome?

    Hey there!
    You've definitely pulled some uplifting cards about your job situation! Let's dive into them to see what they might mean for getting that salary you're hoping for.

    1. Temperance - This card is all about balance and patience. It looks like you're handling things with a level head, which is perfect when you're negotiating or waiting to hear back about a job offer. It’s a good sign that you're in the right state of mind to make smart decisions.
    2. Ace of Wands - Talk about a great energy boost! This card screams new beginnings and exciting opportunities. It’s buzzing with potential, suggesting this job could be a really energizing new chapter for you.
    3. Six of Pentacles - Now, this one’s directly tied to money matters. It speaks to fairness and giving what's due. It hints that the company might be open to offering you the salary you asked for, or at least that there's room for some productive back-and-forth about your pay.
    4. Nine of Cups - You couldn’t ask for a better card here. Often called the "wish card," it suggests that things are going to turn out just the way you want them to. It's a strong hint that you'll be happy with the outcome, including the salary.

    All these cards together really point towards a positive outcome where you land not just the job but also the salary you're after. Stay optimistic and keep that balanced approach of yours—it looks like it’s going to pay off. Here’s hoping you get some fantastic news soon! 🌟

      Your tarot reading is optimistic, I must say, but I would advise you to proceed with caution. The Temperance card suggests a need for balance and patience, while the Ace of Wands and Nine of Cups both indicate a prosperous new beginning and the attainment of your desires, including perhaps landing the job you desire. This may imply that, although the opportunity is good, the precise compensation may need some negotiating or adjusting. In addition to reiterating the importance of being fair and reciprocal, the Six of Pentacles stresses the need of checking that what you get is really equitable. Even when the cards are in your favor, you may need to show some bargaining power to get what you want.

        Hi there! It seems like the tarot reading your career chances was quite interesting! I have some questions that might assist shed light on the meanings of your cards:

        • Primary emphasis. When you picked the cards, were there any other factors related to the job in mind, or was the income your only consideration?

        • Prior сards. How does the information from the first four cards of the spread tie into the reading as a whole?

        • Personal goals. Aside from financial gain, what are your primary objectives in pursuing this position?

        • External Influences. Are there any outside forces that have an impact on how you see this position?

        • Next Steps. Are you planning to negotiate or reject the pay offer if it doesn't satisfy your expectations?

        If you want a better understanding of what the tarot cards might be trying to tell you, answering these questions can help put your reading in context. 🤝

          GraceM Thanks so much for your response! So im actually taking a huge paycut from my current job. I just want to be happy and have a better work life balance. When i was picking the cards I asked out loud will i be able to secure the name of job with the specific amount of money.

          In my head i was just thinking of how fulfilling i think the job could be for me whilst also understanding i can only accept with a specific salary (which they advertised as negotiable and its not far off the starting salary)

          We will definitely see. It may not be the right time for me. The cards were interesting though.

          Thanks so much again

          MariiaMelnyk thank you so much for taking the time to reply and help me read the cards.

          I thought they were very optimistic too. I do really hope I get it and can work out a salary that I can live off. Im changing careers for my mental health and it seems like such an amazing, supportive place to work

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