Hi there! I love breaking down the numerology and suits in Tarot for interpretations! So, the number 8 is like the infinity symbol for a lot of readers, meaning infinite possibilities or endless time. It’s also the number of mastery, meaning whatever skills you're working on are being tested and pushed to their highest potential. The Cups are all about the element of water, which represents emotions and intuition. Just like water, emotions flow and intuition adapts. When Cups show up, it’s a sign to tune into your soul. Our physical, emotional, and mental experiences all affect us spiritually too. When it comes to the 8 of Cups, it’s often about emotional growth and soul ascension. The card usually shows someone walking away from 8 cups on a beach or shoreline at night. The stars in the sky often form a cup, guiding them. This person gets that to follow their soul’s purpose, they need to leave behind emotional baggage. The upright, organized cups show they've found closure and are ready to move on. They're not looking back or having second thoughts; they're confidently moving towards whatever’s meant for them, whether that’s soul-searching, shadow work, or something else. Hope this helps.