For a long time, I've been interested in tarot card collecting and reading. Even though I didn't really get into oracle cards at first, I'm beginning to see how they could be useful to me. Complex tarot card meanings and symbolism no longer pique my curiosity. The Golden Dawn and Hermetic practices no longer pique my curiosity. In contrast, oracle cards appear to be more legible by design. They seem more direct and intuitive because they put more emphasis on my unique symbolism and interpretation. Do you have any opinions? Is the type we use really important?

Whatever you choose, it will work.
As long as they serve to awaken your intuition and bring thoughts from your subconscious to the surface, it doesn't matter if they are oracle cards, rune stones, or even beach shells. These are merely instruments to help you achieve what really works: mental processes.
Value lies in symbol systems and the frameworks that link them. Pattern recognition is hardwired into our brains, and our memory and information storage systems are like weighted networks: the more we use them, the easier they become to access.
The methods of memorization discussed in Ars Memoriae by Giordano Bruno are related to this concept. If you want to remember things more easily, try linking them with the four elements, the zodiac, or tarot cards. The more you use these mnemonic methods, the more symbolic they become.
If you feel that traditions such as the Golden Dawn do not align with your values or have negative connotations, it is entirely OK to reject them and seek for alternatives. The key is to remember that regardless of the approach you take, the actual labor takes place within you.

This is how I see it:
Oracle cards are like fortune cookies in that they are meant to tell you what the day will bring. Because oracle cards don't have to follow a set pattern, anyone can make a deck with their own meanings. This means that there could be three different Faerie Oracle decks, and each one would be different because it shows what the author wants to say.
While tarot cards are more general and can be put into about three different systems, there is some agreement between them. Oracle cards are like fortune cookies, while tarot cards are more like having a group of people give you detailed tips and ideas.
Both are great and do different things, but they can also work together. Choose the one that feels right to you right now; you can always change things later.

Hey there!
Both have their pros and cons. Oracle cards are fantastic, but they always reflect the system of their creator, which can be hit or miss for you as a reader. Oracle cards don’t have fixed meanings (unless you strictly follow the guidebook), but they’re often created with a specific purpose. For example, a common complaint about many oracle decks is that they are "too positive," meaning they don't address the darker sides of life.
Tarot, on the other hand, is quite the opposite. It’s a single system with many different versions and a rich history of diverse ideas. Some readers, like me, prefer to mix Rider-Waite-Smith (RWS) and historical (pre-Golden Dawn) tarot in readings, while others stick to RWS symbolism alone. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to tarot.
Personally, I like to use both. Sometimes an oracle deck fits the mood or question perfectly, while other times, tarot offers a broader range of ideas and insights. 🌟

Hope this helps! 😊

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