Joanna13 thanks for giving me your time and your reading is unbiased and resonates with me, we broke up long ago but she continues to approach me despite me setting clear boundaries, she is controlling my life and creating blockages with whatever i try to do in life, also she broke my friendships and relationships with everyone around me and she isn't letting me date anyone new if at all i find someone new she brainwashes them into thinking that i am not what i show to them or i will treat women badly, i am bitter towards her cause where i go she follows me and ruins the opportunity and my image, this is how i lost a well paying job, and when i got into new job she started making a mess there as well, also for some reason she gets jealous if i find a woman who is of my age and is of much better when it comes to her traits, i am not really sure how do i break this soul bonding with her. also she snuck into my workplace and influenced my employer and made him abuse me and later she started dating him, she dated my schoolmates, my collegemates, my co-workers and the mechanic who used to service my car as well.