The 3 of Swords as advice can be tough, but it also has a lot to offer in terms of growth. It usually highlights emotional pain or heartbreak, but when you dig deeper, it’s really pushing you to face hard truths. If there’s been dishonesty or something you’ve been avoiding emotionally, the 3 of Swords suggests confronting it instead of ignoring it. It’s about feeling the hurt and dealing with it so you can start healing.
I’ve also seen the card suggest cutting ties when something or someone is no longer good for you. It can feel harsh, but sometimes letting go is what you need for your own peace of mind. It’s not about avoiding pain—it’s about recognizing when something is causing more harm than good and stepping back.
Overall, the card’s advice is to be honest with yourself and others, even if it’s uncomfortable. Whether it’s having that tough conversation or just dealing with your own emotions, facing it head-on is how you move through the pain and come out stronger.
Does that resonate with what you’re going through? How does it feel for you?