
Three days ago, I wrote a love letter to a friend of mine about my feelings. I decided to be honest. First time I’ve been so honest about this situation since I’ve known him (known him for 10 years). I haven’t heard back from it yet. I asked RW about what would be his response/reaction to me.

1- What will be said to me directly: Knight of Cups

2- What he won’t say to me: The Moon (Reversed)

3- An advice for myself: Two of Wands

4- The evolution of our link: Knight of Pentacles

5- Synthesis of the entire reading: Two of Cups

I’m very surprised by this reading, to be honest, I expected it to be more negative than this. Two of Knights are showing in this reading are about movement and actions. Wands are also about movement and action. That indicates to me that I will hear back to him in the next couple of days. The Knight of Cups is like a charming prince, the one that would invite you to a date or ask you out. Two of Cups also indicates that what I’ve expressed to him is reciprocal. The Moon reversed echos the High Priestess reversed from the other reading. He is letting go of his fears and will be honest to himself about how he feels. Knight of Pentacles is about commitment. Two of Wands are giving me as an advice to take things slowly and not add unnecessary pressure on this link. I'm wondering if the Knight of Cups might also represent me.

I have a feeling that my message will lead him to be honest too, and that we are going to start a romantic relatonship. I say starting because of the Knight of Cups and Two of Cups.

What are your thoughts on this?

5 days later

Hey! First off, major props to you for putting yourself out there—10 years is a long time, so that was definitely a big step!

Okay, let’s break this down:

  • What he’ll say (Knight of Cups) – This is a card of romance and heartfelt expression, so I’d expect his response to be warm and emotional. There’s a good chance he’ll respond with some kind of affection, maybe even an open-hearted message.

  • What he won’t say (The Moon Reversed) – This makes me think he’s been feeling confused or holding back his true emotions. Maybe your message is making him confront things he wasn’t ready to face.

  • Energy between you (Two of Wands) – This card is all about choices and planning, so it seems like things could move forward, but it’ll take time. He might be weighing his options or figuring out how to respond in the best way.

  • Clarifiers (Knight of Cups & all that movement) – I think you’re onto something. It really does look like he’s working through his feelings and might make a move. If nothing else, expect some kind of response soon!

My take?

This isn’t a bad sign at all! But the Moon Reversed shows some uncertainty—he might be figuring things out, and he could need a little time. I’d say let it breathe and don’t put too much pressure on it. If the feelings are mutual, he’ll come around, and that Knight of Cups energy suggests he wants to. Keep your heart open but stay grounded. 💖

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