I recently acquired a new tarot deck, and it got me thinking about the cleansing and clearing rituals for tarot cards. I've had my old deck for quite some time, and I'm not entirely sure how often I should be cleansing them. Any insights on this?
How often do we need to cleanse or clear our Tarot cards?
Cleansing your tarot cards is an important practice as it keeps them clear and free from any negative energy you or others may have imbibed upon them. It is recommended that you cleanse your tarot deck on a monthly basis to ensure that it works optimally for readings. A few easy ways to cleanse your cards are to smudge them with incense or white sage, pass them through the smoke of a candle flame or incense, or dedicate them to your higher self and the angelic beings who protect you and your readings. Smudging is a popular option as it is believed to clear away negative energy, soothe chaos, and promote harmony. After cleansing your deck, it is important to ground and release any disrupted energy by grounding the cards in the earth or connecting them to the divine light before using.
@Shoron11Ostrovsky Congratulations on your new deck. Cleansing and clearing your tarot cards is an important practice to maintain their energy and connection with you as a reader. As for how often, it can depend on various factors such as your personal preference, frequency of use, and the energy of the readings you conduct.
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I agree with @MariiaMelnyk.
While there's no fixed rule, it's generally recommended to cleanse your tarot cards when you first acquire them to remove any residual energy from previous owners or environments. Additionally, it's beneficial to cleanse them after intense or emotionally charged readings. This ensures a fresh start and helps maintain the cards' accuracy and clarity.
Thank you both for your insights! I'll definitely cleanse my new deck before using it. In terms of my old deck, since I've had it for a while, should I be cleansing it periodically as well?
@Shoron11Ostrovsky Obviously. Over time, tarot cards can absorb energies from readings, environments, and even our own emotions. Periodically cleansing your old deck is a good practice to refresh and reset its energy. You can choose cleansing methods like smudging with sage, placing them under moonlight, or using crystals like clear quartz to clear any lingering energy.
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Adding to what was mentioned already, you can also develop your own personal ritual for cleansing your old deck. It can be as simple as creating a sacred space, holding the deck in your hands, and setting the intention to release any stagnant or unwanted energy. Trust your intuition and find a cleansing method that resonates with you.
Thank you! Your suggestions are very helpful. I'll definitely incorporate regular cleansing into my tarot practice. It's important to ensure that my deck is energetically clear and ready for accurate readings.