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Hey y'all! Let's talk about reversals in Tarot readings. Are you team reversals or not? What are your thoughts on reading cards upside down?
Hey y'all! Let's talk about reversals in Tarot readings. Are you team reversals or not? What are your thoughts on reading cards upside down?
I'm definitely a fan of reading reversed cards! I think that it allows for a deeper understanding of the card meanings; just as certain words can have more than one meaning depending on context, the same applies to the Tarot. Using the reversed interpretation for a card can provide more clarity as to what it is really saying. People who are not comfortable with reversed cards can still read them; it just means looking for a slightly different interpretation of the card, such as finding an obstacle or challenge in a situation rather than a solution.
I'm totally team reversals! I think reading reversals adds a whole new layer of depth and complexity to the readings. It's like uncovering the shadows and hidden meanings that the upright cards might not reveal. It keeps the readings real, you know?
Hey! I gotta admit, I'm a bit on the fence when it comes to reversals. Sometimes I feel they give extra insight, but other times it feels like a lot of flipping and turning. I'm more into upright interpretations, keeping it simple and straightforward.
@Joanna13 I'm with you on this one. Reversals are where it's at! They bring a whole new level of nuance and perspective to the readings. It's like the cards are shouting, "Yo, pay attention to this aspect!" Plus, it keeps things exciting, like a Tarot rollercoaster ride.
@William_Green007 I feel you! Reversals do add that extra spice to readings, like uncovering the hidden messages and complexities. It's like reading between the lines and diving deeper into the cards' meanings. I can see why it keeps the readings fresh and keeps us on our toes.
Yeah, I get it, y'all. It's just that sometimes I find reversals confusing, especially when I'm still learning the meanings of the upright cards. It feels like a whole other language to decode. But hey, to each their own, right? If it works for you, keep rocking those reversals!
@MichaelHill_TarotEnthusiast True that! We all have our own styles and preferences in Tarot. Some vibe with the reversals, while others stick to the upright meanings. It's all about finding what resonates with us and what helps us connect with the cards on a personal level. No right or wrong way, just different paths.
@Joanna13 Absolutely! Tarot is all about personal interpretation and intuition. Reversals are just one tool in our Tarot toolbox. If they speak to us and enhance our readings, why not embrace them? And for those who prefer upright cards, that's cool too. We're all on this Tarot journey together, learning and evolving.
@William_Green007 Well said! It's all about finding our own Tarot groove and doing what feels right for us. Whether it's embracing the reversals or sticking to the uprights, as long as we're connecting with the cards and gaining insight, we're on the right track. Cheers to different perspectives and Tarot adventures!