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Did you pull only the King of Cups for this question? Each card has a broad range of interpretations, spanning from negative to positive. If this card is adversely influenced by another card in the spread, you should exercise caution. It might indicate emotional and intimacy issues, possessiveness, jealousy, or emotional manipulation. Additionally, if the King of Cups is the sole card drawn, keep in mind that court cards often appear individually and may not be ideal for questions about relationships that involve more than one person.
In questions related to intimate relationships, it's beneficial to see cards portraying multiple people, such as the 2 of Cups, indicating mutual happiness. Pulling only the King of Cups might suggest a focus on fulfilling his emotional needs without considering yours. For a more comprehensive reading, consider pulling at least two cards to assess their interactions. If this card is part of a larger spread, examine the surrounding cards to determine whether its interpretation leans more negative or positive.