I recently started dating a new guy. There is intense chemistry between us, and we seem to complement each other. So, I asked about his thoughts and feelings regarding me, pulling 2 or 3 cards. Besides several (reversed) wands, the 4 of Pentacles appeared twice.
In my view, the 4 of Pentacles is associated with jealousy and possessiveness. I'm uncertain how this card fits into a new relationship. Is he becoming possessive? Does he want to keep me to himself? Or does he wish to close himself off from me? 🤔

    Very often, this card signifies someone reluctant to express their feelings, someone who opts to remain within their comfort zone. It reflects fear, an apprehension about sharing their heart and world, prompting them to close themselves off, restricting entry to others. In terms of romance, it may not bode well 🙁. However, the severity can vary, and if the other cards are more favorable, he might just be a tad shy or defensive by nature. Given it's the early stages of the relationship, there's hope he might open up more later. 🌟

      The 4 of Pentacles frequently signifies fear, whether it's fear of losing possessions or social status (face). In this context, he might be afraid of losing your respect, concerned that any effort he puts into the relationship could be undervalued or wasted. It doesn't necessarily delve into jealousy or possessiveness; instead, he simply wants to hold onto you, harboring a fear that he might not be able to do so. 🤔

        I believe shyness plays a significant role in his demeanor. Additionally, considering he is from a different country, cultural differences may contribute to his reserved nature. He expressed interest but is leaving the decision to continue seeing each other up to you. Other cards in the readings, such as the Chariot, numerous wands, and the Star, contribute to an overall positive outlook. 🌟

        Certainly! Your interpretation is leaning towards a positive outlook. This person's consistent texting, enthusiasm in conversations, and eagerness to plan another date all suggest genuine interest. Contrary to interpretations suggesting a lack of feelings or investment, your experiences with him don't align with those notions, unless there's a possibility of him playing or deceiving you. 🔮✨

        Hello, unfortunately, every time I get the 4 of Pentacles in the feelings position, it doesn't seem to convey a positive message for me. In my interpretation, it suggests a reluctance to share emotions, indicating either a lack of feelings or challenges in expressing oneself emotionally. I've encountered this card multiple times when inquiring about a guy I dated. It seemed he wasn't ready for a deeper emotional connection and preferred a more casual relationship.

          That's an interesting perspective. If the difficulty in giving oneself emotionally is considered, it might also imply challenges in expressing emotions. Considering the nature of Pentacles as slow and not overly emotional, this interpretation could align with the card's characteristics.

          Usually, I draw this card for financial inquiries, but in matters of romance, I concur with zfy87060's perspective. The 4 of Pentacles suggests being "tight," "miserly," or displaying a "lack of generosity." It can also signify a shortage of physical energy, akin to when I reduce my dance teaching due to physical fatigue.

          In financial contexts, it indicates frugality, but it can extend to emotional aspects. Some individuals are emotionally reserved, while others, like in your positive experience, might be busy or drained, unable to offer emotional energy.

          In interpreting your spread, it seems he currently lacks the emotional resources to be generous. It doesn't necessarily imply he's a bad person, but be cautious not to exhaust yourself seeking emotional depth from someone who may not have the capacity to provide it at this time.📜✨

          14 days later

          Understanding more about this guy's situation sheds light on the 4 of Pentacles. His mild form of autism, which he initially concealed, aligns with the card's theme of keeping things close and guarded. The man in the card, living independently and self-sufficient, resonates with an autistic personality's traits, reinforcing the connection between the card and his situation. It appears that the 4 of Pentacles symbolically mirrored his inclination to safeguard personal aspects, perhaps due to concerns about potential repercussions in your relationship. 🤝🧩

            That's intriguing. The 4 of Pentacles seems to align with characteristics often associated with autism. Individuals with autism may exhibit rigidity, inflexibility, and difficulty coping with changes, lacking spontaneity and struggling with compromise. This interpretation also aptly mirrors the notion of someone withholding something from you.

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