I've asked my deck about various ex-boyfriends and their feelings for me during our relationships out of morbid curiosity and boredom. Surprisingly, I consistently drew the Queen of Pentacles each time, even when I expected cards from the Cups suit. This trend continued when I inquired about someone's current feelings for me. What do you think the Queen of Pentacles signifies in this context?
Note: I was using the Fey deck.

I often encounter this as well. I interpret it as the person feeling a sense of comfort and security with you—feeling nurtured, reassured, and well taken care of. They seem unworried about anything concerning you, trusting that you'll handle everything. There's a distinct feeling of the person being laid back and at ease in their connection with you, which isn't necessarily negative. However, there's also a maternal aspect present—as if the person relies on you to play the role of a "mother" figure or caretaker.

It could imply that they felt a financial responsibility towards you. Let me clarify unequivocally: This doesn't imply that you demanded financial support from them. It suggests that they may have perceived your desire for a stable home, a provider who could cater to your needs, indulge you, and so forth.

Certainly, they likely also saw you as nurturing, possessing excellent taste, and capable of managing various aspects of life (financials, home décor, culinary skills, etc.).

They might have felt insecure about meeting your needs or pressured to provide things they couldn't afford. AGAIN, this reflects their feelings, not necessarily the reality of the situation. Regarding physical intimacy, they may have felt inadequate in satisfying your needs, although they probably felt you more than satisfied theirs. 😅

    I appreciate the clarification. If the Queen of Pentacles consistently appears as their feelings for you, it suggests they perceived you as nurturing, secure, and someone who provides a sense of comfort and stability. They likely felt a sense of ease and well-being in your presence, feeling cared for and supported emotionally. This card may indicate their view of you as a reliable and dependable person, creating a positive and comforting atmosphere in the relationship.🌷

    Why would it be the negative aspect of the Queen here, as in, that I was somehow dissatisfied? I always imagined the Queen to be very sensual and sexy.

      That's precisely the point. She exudes sensuality and allure. I didn't mean to suggest that you were dissatisfied; rather, I meant that your ex-partners might have perceived an inability to fulfill your desires.

      In my experience, individuals typically fall into one of four categories when it comes to seeking a relationship:

      1. Some desire a partner who takes charge—someone who makes decisions takes initiative, and possesses greater intelligence. They enjoy playing the role of a "cheerleader," supporting and loving a partner who acts as their "hero."
      2. Others seek a more casual partnership. They prefer a relationship where both individuals lead separate lives, occasionally coming together. Some even embrace the idea of spouses living separately or spending significant time apart.
      3. There are those who seek an equal partner intellectually, in ambition, and with shared interests. They aim to collaborate closely, forming a dynamic duo, either as tightly connected allies or as complementary yin and yang.
      4. Some individuals prefer the opposite of category 1. They seek a partner who may not be as intelligent, strong, or financially successful. They enjoy being the provider and decision-maker, with their partner admiring and praising them as the hero.

      When encountering individuals from category 4, they may have reservations about a woman who is both sexual and sensual. They want to be the one guiding and shaping their partner, preferring her to be shy and inexperienced, allowing them to lead the way in her development into womanhood.

      Therefore, the Queen of Pentacles, being inherently sexual and sensual, might unsettle some men. They desire a woman they can instruct and influence, not someone who may take charge or assess their performance.

      If you've previously chosen partners who sought your admiration for their sexuality and wished to impart their knowledge to you, then your own sensuality could have posed a threat to their expectations.

      Lately, I've noticed the Queen of Pentacles appearing in my personal readings, representing my ex-wife, who was an overly materialistic person. The card is in the reversed position.

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