Ah, the Ace of Swords, a card of clarity and truth! Your confusion is understandable, as this card indeed carries multiple layers of meaning.
In the realm of feelings, the Ace of Swords can signify a sense of mental clarity and intellectual honesty. It suggests that your significant other may approach their emotions with a sharp mind and clear communication. While infatuation may play a part, the primary emphasis here is on the exchange of ideas and the pursuit of truth in matters of the heart.
As the suit of Swords is associated with the element of air, this card also highlights the importance of open and honest communication in your relationship. Your significant other may express their feelings through articulate words and rational discussions, seeking to understand and be understood on a deeper level.
Overall, the Ace of Swords invites you to embrace the power of clear communication and intellectual honesty in navigating your relationship. Trust in the clarity it brings, and don't hesitate to engage in heartfelt conversations to deepen your connection.