When someone views you through the lens of Justice, could it mean that what they see is truly reflective of who you are? Is it indicative of your honesty in presenting yourself to others, showing both your strengths and weaknesses without reservation, so that there's no doubt about the authenticity of your character? 🤔

    Justice as how someone perceives you could indeed imply a straightforwardness in your interactions. It suggests that you present yourself authentically, without pretense or hidden agendas, allowing others to see you as you truly are, flaws and all. In essence, what they see is indeed what they get with you.

    On its own, Justice typically signifies that others perceive you as rational, fair, and impartial, someone who strives for equilibrium and usually achieves it. You're seen as just and compassionate, yet not overly emotional—perhaps even a bit reserved or pragmatic. While affectionate, it may come with certain conditions, albeit reasonable ones.

    However, I'm not convinced about the notion of openness you mentioned. Justice, depicted blindfolded, suggests a level of emotional restraint and an ability to conceal feelings rather than revealing them openly. Her focus is on maintaining balance through constant adjustments, which are often unseen. So, while she possesses deep insight, she may choose not to disclose everything she knows, exercising judgment in what she reveals. 🔍

      Hmm... if we're talking about "what you see is what you get," I'd lean towards The Fool card from the Major Arcana. Alternatively, the Sun card might also fit, symbolizing openness and transparency.

      Strength, on the other hand, seems more nuanced. It deals with the balance of opposing forces and inner resilience.

      Evelyn88 The Justice archetype embodies a rational and impartial approach to decision-making, focusing on facts rather than emotions. They are adept at considering both sides of an argument and can skillfully present alternative perspectives. Similar to Strength, they exhibit a sense of steadfastness, but while Strength is driven by overcoming fear, Justice is guided solely by the pursuit of what is right or wrong. They are unyielding in their convictions, willing to stand firm even in the face of adversity, asserting principles like "This is unacceptable" or "This is unjust." Once a decision is reached, it carries the weight of a final verdict, regardless of whether it is met with approval or not. ⚖️

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