- Windows
Delving into various spreads concerning feelings, emotions, and romance, both for friends and myself, though I'm still honing my skills and mainly stick to personal readings for now.
Recently, I conducted a spread regarding a potential suitor of a workmate, who's currently just a casual friend. In the position asking about his intentions towards her, the Queen of Pentacles emerged. I'm a bit puzzled by this one. I'm leaning towards interpreting it as a symbol of building foundations due to its association with earthy Pentacles energy.
As a side note, I pulled the 5 of Swords for his feelings for her. My interpretation hints at conflicting interests or possibly dishonorable intentions, even deceitfulness. I'm attempting to link this card with the Queen of Pentacles as an outcome, considering the Pentacles' representation of material aspects, and I'm getting the sense that his motives might be solely focused on one thing.
My primary goal is to understand how these cards connect rather than viewing them in isolation, as I believe that's key to obtaining a balanced interpretation. So, when it comes to the Queen of Pentacles symbolizing his intentions, I'm still grappling with it!