Ultimate Love Spread - the 5th position is : I will find all of the positives and good things about my relationship.
The Tower Reversed was pulled... how is that a positive or good thing in a relationship if it means that there is reluctance or resistance?
It doesn't coincide with the first 4 out of 15 total cards in this spread?

    Hey there!
    Spotting the Tower Reversed in your love spread where you're looking for the positives might seem a little off at first glance, right? But don't worry, it's not all doom and gloom. The Tower Reversed isn't just about chaos; it can also mean dodging a bullet—avoiding a big shake-up or major change that could've thrown things off track.
    Think of it this way: it might be hinting that your relationship has some serious resilience. You've maybe skirted around some big potential upheavals, showing that you both can handle challenges without letting them blow everything up. This card could be telling you that there's strength in how you both face these trials together, and that’s definitely something positive!
    Think of this card as a nod to how strong your relationship is when things get tough, and as a lesson that what doesn't happen can be just as important as what does. Deal with problems together, and you'll find that you become closer and stronger. 💪❤️

      I agree more with the Joanna13 answer
      Seeing the Tower reversed in a relationship-positive place is intriguing! Having the Tower Reversed frequently signifies avoiding major interpersonal issues or delaying major changes. Actually, this is good.
      It may mean you both can spot issues before they escalate. You may have prevented problems from becoming disasters with your proactive approach. This card may show your ability to balance and address issues early.
      The Tower Reversed may also indicate that you're both slowly breaking down old walls or healing old scars at a reasonable pace rather than everything falling apart. A more deliberate approach might strengthen your relationship over time.
      Instead of worrying, regard this card as a high-five to how effectively you both adapt and improve. Your collaboration is a major benefit! 🌟

      If the Tower Reversed feels like it doesn't quite match up with the first four cards in your spread, it might be pointing out something you haven't fully dealt with yet. This could mean that while things seem pretty smooth on the surface, as shown by the earlier cards, the Tower Reversed is hinting at some underlying challenges or changes that need your attention. Think of it as a heads-up to look a bit deeper into the relationship and tackle those less obvious but important issues to keep things on a solid track.

      15 days later
      Zena_Aquarte referenced this discussion from [unknown discussion]
      25 days later

      Appologies! realised the last post was wrong - correct one here:

      Hey, loving all the really good advice on here. Putting in my pennies worth to reinforce what's being said.
      To get technical for a moment, 'The Tower' card astrologically corresponds to the planet 'Mars' (GD system), so 'reversed' it retrogrades back to the tarot card ‘The Hanged Man' on the Astrological Wheel - not as scary as its sounds - it simply suggests the planet 'Neptune', or, that you could be more ‘Neptunian' to find the positive things in your relationship.
It's advice to go deeper. It’s the emotional internalisation that means we can process what’s going on around us, and find our own way to work with this information. (The Hanged Man has positioned themselves away from other people to receive new information, and ultimately their unique perspective makes them more valid in the eyes of others).
      It’s a less aggressive approach than 'The Tower' (Mars, ambition, destruction, overly focused), but still confident because we are really absorbing what’s going on. It still suggests being ambitious in your ideals for the relationship - you still received this card, The Tower, so it is relevant information - but reversed it’s an emotional awareness that allows you to communicate well and pick out the important information you need.
      I hope everything is working out for you 🙂

        Interesting interpretation! I'd like to add that when The Tower card is reversed, it can mean avoiding unnecessary conflict and handling change in a more controlled way. The link to The Hanged Man suggests taking some time for reflection and gaining new perspectives. By stepping back and seeing the situation differently, you can find creative solutions and bring about positive change without the usual chaos of The Tower. It's a reminder that even tough times can offer chances for growth and better understanding. 🌟

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