I used to be confused by Judgement too and how it differs from Justice, but there's a super clear message here.
So, I actually describe Judgement as a release. It’s like the moment you drop off an essay to be graded or it’s exam day. At that point, it’s too late to change anything or do all the studying you planned to do. There's a huge finality in that, and in many ways, a relief. It’s about letting go and accepting that you can’t do any more. There’s also relief in knowing that by this time tomorrow, these awful feelings of anxiety will be over.
Especially in reverse, Judgement can strongly signify self-doubt, which sounds like where you are right now. If you’re over-scrutinizing your actions, blaming yourself, and working yourself into a state of misery, it’s not going to put you in the right mindset for this interview.
Reversed Judgement suggests that you shouldn’t focus on what you’ve done or haven’t done. Acknowledge your anxiety but understand it’s just a temporary state. Accept that the interview is going to happen, and all you can do is your best. Whatever the outcome, it will be what it will be.