Hey everyone,
I have an important interview tomorrow and I’m feeling pretty stressed about it. I took a break and asked the universe for guidance, pulling a single card because I don’t interpret spreads well when I’m stressed. I got the Judgement card in reverse. Can someone help me understand it better? I’m very new to tarot and still a beginner.
Deck used: Rider-Waite
My understanding: Stop the self-doubt and fear of the interview.

Any insights would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

    Although everyone has their own interpretation of the Judgement card, here is how I see it.
    Getting what you deserve is, in my view, the essence of judgment. It appears that your efforts will be recognized and appreciated if you have done your homework, practiced, and want to dress suitably for your interview. 👍
    Conversely, the result may also show that you haven't worked hard enough. 🤷‍♂️

      In the Rider-Waite deck, the Judgement card shows ‘the last judgement,’ where a soul is called up to be judged for its worthiness for heaven. This imagery speaks volumes: Judgement is about a final decision based on your karma and past actions.

      I like to see the Major Arcana as the Fool’s journey through different stages of life. Judgement comes right before The World, which means completion. For me, Judgement is about that one last chance. After going through so many ups and downs and transforming along the way, we need to let go of what’s holding us back. We have to judge the things that chain us down if we want to reach our ultimate goal, symbolized by The World. It’s about looking at our darkest parts and making sure everything is in order before we can move forward.

      So, whether you're asking about life, career, love, or anything else, Judgement means you’re almost there. Just make sure you’re ready and worthy for what’s coming next.

      Yes, that does make perfect sense in this particular circumstance.

      OP, it would really benefit you to conduct some research prior if this job falls into a field with which you are not particularly acquainted. An angel with upright judgment exudes confidence and clarity in their speech because of their extensive knowledge and experience. The message of this card is to project an air of self-assurance, wisdom, and genuineness in your speech and actions. It shows that you are able to articulate not only your knowledge but also your personality.

      Hey there,
      Good luck with your interview tomorrow! It’s totally normal to feel stressed about it. Pulling the Judgement card in reverse is interesting, and I get why you’re looking for some clarity.
      When Judgement is reversed, it often points to self-doubt and the fear of making the wrong decision. Your gut feeling about needing to stop doubting yourself is spot on. It can also mean feeling stuck because of these fears.
      Here’s what I’d suggest:

      1. Self-Reflection: Think about what’s holding you back. Is it fear of failure or worrying you’re not good enough? Acknowledging these feelings is a good first step.
      2. Preparation: Make sure you’ve done some research about the company and the role. This will boost your confidence.
      3. Positive Affirmations: Remind yourself of your strengths and past successes. Getting this far is already a big deal!
      4. Visualization: Imagine yourself doing well in the interview. Visualization can really help reduce anxiety and boost confidence.

      Even in reverse, the Judgement card is a reminder to trust yourself and your abilities. It’s telling you that you have the power to shape your future, even if it feels scary right now.
      Best of luck with your interview! You’ve got this! 🌟

      I used to be confused by Judgement too and how it differs from Justice, but there's a super clear message here.

      So, I actually describe Judgement as a release. It’s like the moment you drop off an essay to be graded or it’s exam day. At that point, it’s too late to change anything or do all the studying you planned to do. There's a huge finality in that, and in many ways, a relief. It’s about letting go and accepting that you can’t do any more. There’s also relief in knowing that by this time tomorrow, these awful feelings of anxiety will be over.

      Especially in reverse, Judgement can strongly signify self-doubt, which sounds like where you are right now. If you’re over-scrutinizing your actions, blaming yourself, and working yourself into a state of misery, it’s not going to put you in the right mindset for this interview.

      Reversed Judgement suggests that you shouldn’t focus on what you’ve done or haven’t done. Acknowledge your anxiety but understand it’s just a temporary state. Accept that the interview is going to happen, and all you can do is your best. Whatever the outcome, it will be what it will be.

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