- Windows
Hey! This is such an interesting mix of energies. Here’s my take:
Lady (Temperance + Devil): A real push-pull dynamic. Temperance suggests she could be balanced and composed at times, but The Devil shows there was also a manipulative or controlling side. She might have played both “good” and “bad” depending on what suited her. That mix can be confusing because it keeps you guessing.
Sydney (Page energy): Pages bring curiosity, unpredictability, and new experiences. You weren’t sure what to expect from her, which fits—Pages are learners, explorers, and sometimes wild cards. She might’ve felt like an unknown factor, someone who could surprise you.
Big Picture:
These two represent two different energies in your life—one (Lady) who had an intense, almost conflicting impact, and another (Sydney) who felt fresh and unexpected. What’s your gut telling you about what they taught you? Because Temperance and The Devil together could be a lesson in balance and avoiding toxic cycles, while a Page might be pushing you to stay open to new experiences.