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Tarot Spreads
Situation currently
Muse tarot deck
The fool card
New Journey
Relationship Reflection Reading
Feelings interpretation?
what does someone think and feel about me?
need an insight about my job application.
Am I Reading This Too Positively?
What 3-card tarot spread do you prefer?
I like someone was not sure how they felt about me?
need an insight why my ex appears in my dream often even though i have moved on and what does she feel about me? ?
need help interpretation of timing of meeting a romantic partner and how will she be?
Wish for a partner spread
What's your favorite relationship tarot spread?
Stregnth, four of wands, knight of cups,four of swords as awaiting results
Wheel of fortune, 9 of cups, 5 of cups, 10 pf pentacles interpretation
Would love your interpretation on this
Help with understanding the meaning of these cards
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