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All Discussions
the 3 of Cups love or third-party warning?
Personal Experiences with the "Justice" Tarot Card
What does the Moon tarot card mean to you?
How would you describe the meaning of the 7 of Pentacles?
The Strength card meaning: should I speak up or keep quiet?
which cards indicate jealousy in the arcana ?
Is tarot Real?
Temperance as feelings for someone
Are there any positive sides to the Three of Swords?
Thoughts on What The Chariot Means?
Any advice for doing a yes or no tarot spread?
Alternative meanings of the Hierophant when you're not conventionally religious?
What does "The Fool" signify to you?
5 of Swords in Love
Does the Page of Cups always point to a new love interest?
Knight of Swords as Feelings: Let’s Chat!
7 of Cups: Yes or No?
Tips for how to read tarot cards
How do you interpret the 3 of Wands?
Card interpretation
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